Secure secrets

Access to use secure ENC values within functions and commands that do not support them in encrypted format. The integration keeps the values as secure as possible until the function getSecret() is used with A-Ops replacement syntax.


Secure Secret

Generate a secure string that can later be used with the getSecret() function to return the plaintext value.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Value Value that will either be an existing ENC or plaintext that will be converted to ENC to generate the secure secret for use with getSecret() input True True
Expiry Number of seconds the secret can be recovered into plaintext, each time the secret is access this value is also used to extend the expiry by the value defined. input True False


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}}
secret Returns the secret value to use with getSecret() string True {}