
Simple message queueing system that enables events to be added to a queue which can then later be executed by a trigger.


Queue Trigger

Checks a given queue for new events that are ready to be executed.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
_id input False False
Name Display name for the trigger object. input False False
Enabled Enable / Disable this trigger object. checkbox False False
Variables Variables to define when triggering an event. var False True
Schedule How often to run the flow. e.g. 10s - every 10 seconds, 1-5h - random start between 1 and 5 hours, */5 * * * * - every 5 minutes. input False False
Max Duration The number of seconds that a flow can be running before it is automatically killed and/or considered dead and restarted. input False False
Limit The maximum number of events to execute per trigger check. input False False
Comment User defined comments. input False False
Concurrency How many events to run through the flow at once. input False False
Take Snapshots When checked snapshots of every execution will be saved. checkbox False False
Max Retries The number of attempts to automatically reattempt a failing trigger. input False False
Retry Delay Delay time between failure and automatically reattempting a failing trigger. input False False
On Trigger Crash Trigger ID to call when a trigger crashes. input False False
On Trigger Killed Trigger ID to call when a trigger overruns its max duration and is killed. input False False
Fail Trigger On Action Crash When true the entire flow will crash if a single action crashes. group-checkbox False False
On Action Crash Trigger ID to call when an action crashes and Fail Trigger On Action Crash is checked. input False False


Name Description Type always_present values
event An event as defined within the queue. json True {}


Queue Add Event

Adds a new event to a queue.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
_id input False False
Name Display name for the action object. input False False
Enabled Enable / Disable this action object. checkbox False False
Logic Logic that when defined must be evaluated as true for the action object to return True otherwise False will be returned. input False False
Variables Variables to define when triggering an event. var False True
Queue TriggerID The ID of the queue trigger object that will be used to execute events. input False True
Use Existing Event When checked the current event value will be used when adding the event to the queue. group-checkbox False False
Event String Used to define an event using replacement syntax. This only takes affect if 'Use Existing Event' is unchecked. input False True
Event Data Used to build a custom event. This only take affect if 'Use Existing Event' is unchecked and no value is provided within 'Event String' json-input False True
Auto Clear When checked the event will automatically be removed from the queue as soon as it is executed by the queue trigger no matter the result. checkbox False False
Delay Define a delay in seconds that must pass before the queue trigger will execute this event. input False False
Comment User defined comments. input False False


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "1": {"description": "You must define a queue triggerID."}, "500": {"description": "No event data was provided so it cannot be added to the queue."}}
queueEventID Returns a unique eventID that can be used to reference the event added to the queue. string False {}

Queue Event Clear

Manually remove an event from the queue.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
_id input False False
Name Display name for the action object. input False False
Enabled Enable / Disable this action object. checkbox False False
Logic Logic that when defined must be evaluated as true for the action object to return True otherwise False will be returned. input False False
Variables Variables to define when triggering an event. var False True
Queue EventID The ID of the event added within the queue. input False True
Comment User defined comments. input False False


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful event removed from queue."}, "500": {"description": "No queue object found by this eventID."}}