AWS Lambda

Support for AWS Lambda service.


AWS Lambda Connect

Connect to a AWS regional Lambda service.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Access Key IAM user access key for programmatic access. password-input True True
Secret Access Key IAM user secret access key for programmatic access. password-input True True
region Selected region to use when connecting to the lambda service. dropdown True False


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}}

AWS Lambda Disconnect

Disconnect from the connected AWS Lambda service.


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS Lambda connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS Lambda Connect before this action."}}

AWS Lambda Invoke

Invoke a AWS Lambda defined function.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Function Name Name of defined function within the lambda service. input True True
invocation_type RequestResponse (default) - Invoke the function synchronously. Keep the connection open until the function returns a response or times out. The API response includes the function response and additional data. 2. Event - Invoke the function asynchronously. Send events that fail multiple times to the function's dead-letter queue (if it's configured). The API response only includes a status code. 3. DryRun - Validate parameter values and verify that the user or role has permission to invoke the function. dropdown True False
logType Set to Tail to include the execution log in the response. Applies to synchronously invoked functions only. dropdown True False
Client context Up to 3583 bytes of base64-encoded data about the invoking client to pass to the function in the context object. input False True
Data Payload data to provide to the function when it is invoked. json-input False True
Qualifier Specify a version or alias to invoke a published version of the function. input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS Lambda connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS Lambda Connect before this action."}}
response Returns the functions response. json True {"StatusCode": {"description": "number"}, "FunctionError": {"description": "string"}, "LogResult": {"description": "string"}, "Payload": {"description": "string"}, "ExecutedVersion": {"description": "string"}}