AWS boto3

Access boto3 clients for AWS interaction as per boto3 specification and documentation.


AWS boto3 Connect

Connect to a AWS regional service and defined boto3 client and/or resource.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Access Key IAM user access key for programmatic access. password-input True True
Secret Access Key IAM user secret access key for programmatic access. password-input True True
region Selected region to use when connecting to the lambda service. dropdown True False
Client Name A boto3 client name i.e. ec2 input False True
Resource Name A boto3 resource name i.e. ec2. input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}}

AWS boto3 Disconnect

Disconnect from the connected AWS boto3 client and resource.


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS boto3 connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS boto3 Connect before this action."}}

AWS boto3 Client Function

Access and call a boto3 client function.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Function Name of the boto3 function within the connected client to call. input True True
Arguments Function arguments provided in key, value ( kwargs ) style. json-input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS boto3 connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS boto3 Connect before this action."}}
response Result from the function called. json True {}

AWS boto3 Resource Function


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Function Name of the boto3 function within the connected resource to call. input True True
Arguments Function arguments provided in key, value ( kwargs ) style. json-input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS boto3 connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS boto3 Connect before this action."}}
response Result from the function called. json True {}

AWS Boto3 Change Client

Changes the current boto3 client.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Client Name A boto3 client name i.e. ec2 input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS boto3 connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS boto3 Connect before this action."}}

AWS Boto3 Change Resource

Changes the current boto3 resource.


Name Description Type Required Syntax
Resource Name A boto3 resource name i.e. ec2. input False True


Name Description Type always_present values
result Returns True when successful. boolean True {"True": {"description": "Successful."}, "False": {"description": "Failure."}}
rc Returns the exit code for the action. number True {"0": {"description": "Successful."}, "500": {"description": "No existing AWS boto3 connection found, ensure the flow has first run a AWS boto3 Connect before this action."}}