- Edit
- Clone ( as linked copy )
- Run
- Export
- Get Code Defined
- Saved Snapshots
- Statistics
- Edit with Model Editor
- Security Settings
- Revision History
- Get URL Link
- Reset
- Delete
- Edit
- Connect Flow
- Clone ( as linked copy )
- Edit with Model Editor
- Security Settings
- Revision History
- Get URL Link
- Delete
General purpose action object that can be used to set variables and define flow logic.
AD Add User to Group
Add a defined user as a member of a defined group.
AD Asset Discovery
Discover assets within an Active Directory.
AD Create Group
Create a new group within Active Directory.
AD Create User
Create a new user within Active Directory.
AD Delete User
Delete a user account within Active Directory.
AD Disable User
Disable an enabled user within Active Directory.
AD Enable User
Enable a disabled user account.
AD Remove User from Group
Remove a user from an AD group.
AD Reset User Password
Reset the password for a given user within Active Directory.
AD Search
Search for objects within Active Directory based on an LDAP search filter.
AD Set Account Expiry
Defines an account expiry from an epoch provided value.
AD Set Object Attribute
Sets an attribute value on a given object.
Asset Delete
Delete 1 or more assets.
Asset Match
Find assets that match key/value within a specified time-frame.
Asset Search
Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.
Asset Search Trigger
Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.
Asset Update
Create/Update an asset within the asset management solution. Asset names are unique per entity.
AWS Boto3 Change Client
Changes the current boto3 client.
AWS Boto3 Change Resource
Changes the current boto3 resource.
AWS boto3 Client Function
Access and call a boto3 client function.
AWS boto3 Connect
Connect to a AWS regional service and defined boto3 client and/or resource.
AWS boto3 Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS boto3 client and resource.
AWS boto3 Resource Function
AWS EC2 Attach Volume
Attaches a volume to an instance.
AWS EC2 Connect
Connect to a AWS regional EC2 service.
AWS EC2 Create Custom Instance
Create a new EC2 instance by providing boto3 create instance parameters. This actions allow you to define more advance instances and access all available options.
AWS EC2 Create Instance
Creates a new EC2 AWS instance.
AWS EC2 Create Instance Image
Create an instance image and register it as an AMI. This process will snapshot all attached volumes and automatically provision the AMI.
AWS EC2 Create Instance Snapshot
Create a full instance snapshot of an EC2 instance and all attached disks.
AWS EC2 Create Snapshot
Create a snapshot of a volume.
AWS EC2 Create Tags
Create EC2 tags and attach them to a resource by ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Instance Image
Deletes an instance image with the option of also removing any unused associated snapshots.
AWS EC2 Delete Snapshot
Deletes an AWS EC2 snapshot by snapshot ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Tag
Delete a tag by key and value.
AWS EC2 Delete Tags
Deletes selective tags from a target resource ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Volume
Deletes an EC2 volume by volume ID.
AWS EC2 Detach Volume
Detached a volume from an instance.
AWS EC2 Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS EC2 service.
AWS EC2 Get Image
Retrieve data about a image using a image ID.
AWS EC2 Get Instance
Gets an instance based on the instance ID.
AWS EC2 Get Password
Gets password data for a given EC2 instance.
AWS EC2 Get Snapshot
Retrieve data about a snapshot using a snapshot ID.
AWS EC2 List Instances
Lists found instances which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 List Snapshots
Lists found snapshots which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 List Volumes
Lists found volumes which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 Register Image
Registers a new AMI.
AWS EC2 Start Instance
Start an AWS EC2 instance.
AWS EC2 Stop Instance
Stop an AWS EC2 instance
AWS EC2 Terminate Instance
Terminates an AWS EC2 instance.
AWS Lambda Connect
Connect to a AWS regional Lambda service.
AWS Lambda Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS Lambda service.
AWS Lambda Invoke
Invoke a AWS Lambda defined function.
AWS S3 Append Content
Append to the bottom of an existing AWS S3 object.
AWS S3 Delete
Delete AWS S3 object
AWS S3 Download Object
Download an object an AWS S3 bucket.
AWS S3 Get Object Content
Return a contents of an AWS S3 object
AWS S3 Get Object Head
Get AWS S3 object head
AWS S3 List
List objects contained within an AWS S3 bucket.
AWS S3 Put Content
Create a new AWS S3 object from data provided
AWS S3 Upload File
Upload a file to AWS S3.
AWS Secrets Manager Connect
Connect to a AWS regional Secrets Manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Create Secret
Create a new AWS secret within AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Secrets Manager Create Tags
Creates tags on the defined secret.
AWS Secrets Manager Delete Secret
Deletes a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Secrets Manager Delete Tags
Deletes the defined list of tags from a secret.
AWS Secrets Manager Describe Secret
Get detailed information about a secret but without retrieving the secret data
AWS Secrets Manager Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS Secrets Manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Generate Password
Generates a random password using the AWS Secrets Manager password generator function.
AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret
Returns a secret's key/values.
AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret Value
Returns a given secret value in encrypted or plaintext format.
AWS Secrets Manager List Secrets
Lists secrets found within the AWS secrets manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Rotate Secret
Request AWS to rotate the given secrets value.
AWS Secrets Manager Update Secret
Updates the key/value secret data within an AWS secret.
Exits out of a loop or subFlow.
Pause a flow and await user response before continuing.
ClickSend SMS
Send an SMS message to a recipient.
ClickSend Voice
Send an voice message to a recipient.
Build events into a list based on the size limited provided. Once the list is built the collect object passes the list of events onto the next object.
Run several flow paths concurrently
Control-M Connect
Creates a connection handler for Control-M REST API Service, once connected other actions can be used without the requirement of providing credentials on all actions
Control-M Custom Request
Execute a call to a given API endpoint.
Control-M Get Events
Get a list of recent events.
Control-M Get Job
Get a job and its details.
Control-M Get Job Log
Get the job log.
Control-M Get Job Output
Get job output.
Control-M Get Job Statistics
Get job statistics.
Control-M Get Job Status
Get the status of a job.
Control-M Get Jobs By Status
Get jobs by a job status i.e. 'Ended Not OK'
Control-M Job Delete
Delete a job.
Control-M Job Free
Free a job.
Control-M Job Hold
Hold a job.
Control-M Job Kill
Kill a job.
Control-M Job Rerun
Rerun a job.
Control-M Job Run Now
Run a job now
Control-M Job Undelete
Undelete a job.
Control-M Job Wait Info
Get job wait info.
Control-M Logout
Close an existing open Control-M API Service connection.
Control-M Set Job Confirm
Confirm a job.
Control-M Set Job Ok
Mark a job as OK.
Control-M Update Alert
Update details of an alert.
Control-M Update Alert Status
Update the status of an alert.
Create Data Snapshot
Create a snapshot of the data within a flow for future review.
Create Secret
Create a new A-Ops secret
Data Trigger
A trigger that contains a static user defined list of events.
Database Connect MSSQL
Connect to a MSSQL Database.
Database Connect Oracle
Connect to an Oracle Database.
Database Connect PostgreSQL
Connect to a PostgreSQL database.
Database Delete
Perform a delete query against a connected database.
Database Disconnect
Disconnect from any connected database.
Database Insert
Perform a insert query against a connected database.
Database Search
Perform a search query against a connected database.
Database Update
Perform an update query against a connected database.
Disable Action
Disables an existing action by ID.
Disable Trigger
Disables an existing trigger by ID.
DNS Twister Fuzz
Returns a list of fuzzed domains from the domain provided.
DNS Twister Google Safe Browsing
Returns the current Google safe browsing system of the provided domain.
DNS Twister IP Resolution
Resolve an IP address from a domain.
DNS Twister Observe
Monitor and report on changes to a given list of domains. The domains use DNS Twister fuzzing to help detect phishing domains.
DNS Twister Parked Check
Checks if the domains is a parked domain.
DNS Twister Report
Returns the DNS Twister report of a given domain.
Gets WHOIS information using the DNS Twister API.
Echos a message into the action output.
Action that provides the ability to send SMTP emails via a SMTP relay.
Enable Action
Enables an existing action by ID.
Enable Trigger
Enables an existing trigger by ID.
Event Build Correlations
Build and updates event correlations.
Event Get Correlation
Get a correlation from UID string.
Event Get Correlations
Get a list of correlations based on the provided criteria.
Event Threshold
Trigger that returns matching correlations based on the defined fields.
Event Update
Updates a value on an existing event by index.
Event Update Score
Updates the score on an existing event by index.
Execute Trigger
Executes a trigger immediately
Exits the currently running trigger.
Regular expression extraction of a given string.
Loop over a data list of json events.
FortiGate Command
Execute and receive output from a given command.
FortiGate Connect
Connect to FortiGate firewall over SSH
FortiGate Disconnect
Disconnects from an active FortiGate connection.
FortiGate Script
Execute a defined FortiGate script on the connected firewall.
fortiManager Connect
Connect to a fortiManager instance. Required before calling any other fortiManager integration objects.
fortiManager Get ADOMs
List ADOMs present on the fortiManager
fortiManager Get Object
Return a given object.
fortiManager Get Objects
Get a list of object by object type
fortiManager Set ADOM
Change which ADOM is currently being used.
fortiManager Set Object
Update a fortiManager object
FTP Connect
Connect to an FTP server
FTP Disconnect
Closes FTP active session
FTP Storbinary
Store File to an FTP server
Retrieve File from an FTP server
Fuzzy Match Distance
Compares two strings for likeness based on a Levenshtein Distance score.
Fuzzy Match String
Compares two strings for likeness
Generate Password
Randomly generate a password string.
Geolocate IPv4
Return geolocation data about a given IPv4 address.
Get Action
Get a given action's details.
Get Google Sheet
Read and return a Google Docs Sheet
Get Trigger
Get a given trigger's details.
Global Get
Retrieve global variable by name.
Global Set
Sets a global variable that can be later retrieved with the globalGet object.
GLPI Complete Task
Mark a task as completed.
GLPI Connect
Connect to a GLPI instance.
GLPI Due Tasks
Search for tasks that are due or overdue for a given user.
GLPI Followup
Add a new followup to an existing ticket.
GLPI Search
Search across the GLPI platform.
GLPI Solve
Solve a ticket.
Create/Update a task within an existing ticket.
GLPI Ticket
Create a new ticket within the GLPI ticketing system.
GLPI Ticket Detail
Get the details of a ticket by ticket ID.
GoDaddy Connect
Connect to a GoDaddy API service using key and secret. This object can be used to start a connection that is then used by other GoDaddy objects within a flow.
GoDaddy Delete DNS Record
Delete a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
GoDaddy Get DNS Record
Get a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
GoDaddy Update DNS Record
Update a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
Google Chat Send Message
Sends a message via a Google Chat incoming webhook.
Google Sheet Get Range
Get a list of values from a Google Docs sheet using a range i.e. A:B
Google Sheet Insert
Inserts into an existing Google Docs sheet at a provided position i.e. A1
Google Sheet Update Cell
Updates a cell with a provided value
Google Sheets Connect
Create a Google Docs service connection that can then be used to interact with sheets shared with the service user
IBM Cloud Client Function
Access and call an IBM VPC Python SDK client function.
IBM Cloud Connect
Create an API session with IBM Cloud so that subsistent IBM Cloud actions can be executed.
IBM Cloud Create Instance
Create a new VPC instance within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create Instance From Snapshot
Create a new VPC instance from an existing snapshot within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC
Create a new VPC within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC Instance Volume Snapshot
Create a new snapshot for a given volume.
IBM Cloud Create VPC IPv4 Subnet
Create a new IPV4 Subnet within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC Network Prefix
Create a network super-net prefix within a VPC.
IBM Cloud Delete Instance
Delete a VPC instance within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC
Delete a VPC from your IBM Cloud environment.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume
Delete an instance volume within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume Snapshots
Delete all snapshots for a given volume within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Snapshot
Delete snapshot for a given snapshot ID within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Subnet
Delete a subnet within a VPC in IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Get VPC
Get a single VPC by ID or when no ID is provided return all VPCs within your IBM Cloud Account.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance
Get details of an IBM Cloud VPC instance or list all VPC instances when no instance ID is provided.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume
Get volume details of a given IBM Cloud VPC Instance, or list all volumes for a given instance when Volume ID is blank.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume Snapshot
Get details of a volume snapshot or list all snapshots for a given volume when no snapshot ID is provided.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Network Prefix
Get IBM Cloud VPC super-net prefix.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Subnet
Get details of a given subnet or when no subnet is provided all subnets will be returned.
IBM Cloud List VPC Region Zones
List IBM Cloud VPC zones for a given region.
IBM Cloud List VPC Regions
List IBM Cloud VPC regions.
IBM Cloud VPC Disconnect
Disconnect from an IBM Cloud session made using IBM cloud Connect.
IPStack Lookup IP
Retrieve information about an IP.
IPStack My IP
Get your external IP address as seen by the IPStack service.
jinja2 Format
Render a template using a defined jinja2 template.
Jira Custom Request
Execute a Jira API call
MongoDB Connect
Connect to a MongoDB Database.
MongoDB Find
Execute a MongoDB find query.
MS Defender Connect
Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with MS Defender.
MS Defender Custom Request
Execute a custom graph API request.
MS Defender for Endpoint Custom Request
Execute a custom Defender for Endpoint API request.
MS Defender Get Alerts
Execute a graph API request that retrieves alerts.
MS Defender Get Incidents
Execute a graph API request that retreives incidents.
MS Defender Get New Alerts
Execute a graph API request that retrieves new alerts.
MS Defender Get New Incidents
Execute a graph API request that retrieves new incidents.
MS Defender Run Hunting Query
Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.
MS Defender Run Hunting Query Trigger
Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.
MSTeams Incoming Message
Inbound webhook to read messages coming from the configured teams channel.
MSTeams Post Message
Post a message to a configured teams channel.
Action responsible for raising, updating and clearing alarm state based on a given match string UID.
Occurrence Update
Provides the ability to update variables held within the alarm objects data field.
OneNote Add Bulk Content
Inserts bulk content onto a OneNote page
OneNote Add Content Base64 Image
Inserts a base64 image onto the target page
OneNote Add Content Image
Inserts a image from URL src onto the target page
OneNote Add Content Text
Insert text content onto the target page.
OneNote Add Content Website Render
Inserts a rendered version of a given website into the target page.
OneNote Add Notebook Section
Creates a new section within the target notebook.
OneNote Add Section HTML Page
Create a new page with custom HTML within the target section.
OneNote Add Section Page
Creates a basic OneNote page within a target section.
OneNote Connect
Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with OneNote hosted documents.
OneNote Custom Request
Execute a custom graph API request.
OneNote Delete Notebook Section
Deletes a target section within a OneNote document.
OneNote Delete Page
Deletes a page within a OneNote document.
OneNote Get Page Content
Retrieve the current OneNote page in HTML format.
OneNote List Group Notebooks
Lists accessible notebooks within a group that the target user has access to.
OneNote List My Notebooks
Lists the target users notebooks stored within their personal OneDrive.
OneNote List Notebook Sections
Lists all sections within a given notebook.
OneNote List Section Pages
Lists pages within a target section of a OneNote document.
OneNote List Site Notebooks
Lists accessible notebooks within a sharepoint site that the target user has access to.
OpenSearch Custom Request
Execute a custom OpenSearch request.
OpenSearch Saved Search
Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.
OpenSearch Saved Search Trigger
Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.
OpenSearch Search
Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.
OpenSearch Search Trigger
Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.
Oracle Cloud Connect
Connect to Oracle Cloud service.
Oracle Cloud Function
Calls an API function for the connected Oracle Cloud Service
OTX Get Pulse
Get a pulse by pulse ID.
OTX Lookup CVE
Retrieve CVE information from a given CVE.
OTX Lookup Domain
Retrieve domain information from a given domain.
OTX Lookup Hash
Retrieve hash information from a given hash.
OTX Lookup Hostname
Retrieve hostname information from a given hostname.
OTX Lookup IPv4
Retrieve IPv4 information from a given IPv4 address.
OTX Lookup IPv6
Retrieve IPv6 information from a given IPv6 address.
OTX Lookup URL
Retrieve URL information from a given URL.
playbook Add
Add an occurrence into a playbook.
playbook Bulk Add
Add multiple occurrences into a playbook.
Playbook End
Define the end of a playbook within a flow.
Playbook Get
Get a playbook occurrence item.
Playbook Search
Trigger for looping through playbooks and their occurrences.
Playbook Search Action
Search for occurrences within a playbook.
Playbook Start
Used to start a playbook for a provided playbook occurrence UID string.
playbook Start Update
Update a defined playbook start action by action ID.
Playbook Update Data
Update a playbooks occurrence.
Proofpoint TR Add Incident Comment
Add comment to a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Close Incident
Close a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Get Incident
Get Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Get Incident Alerts
Get alerts associated to a Add a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR List Incidents
List Proofpoint Threat Response incidents
Proofpoint TR List New Incidents
List Proofpoint New Threat Response incidents
Queue Add Event
Adds a new event to a queue.
Queue Event Clear
Manually remove an event from the queue.
Queue Trigger
Checks a given queue for new events that are ready to be executed.
Raise an exception.
Raise Event
Raise a new event based on the fields provided.
Remote Command
Execute a remote command on an already connected remote system.
Remote Connect Aruba
Initialize a connection to a remote Aruba system using SSH.
Remote Connect Cisco
Initialize a connection to a remote Cisco system using SSH.
Remote Connect FortiGate
Initialize a connection to a remote FortiGate system using SSH.
Remote Connect Linux
Initialize a connection to a remote linux system using SSH and SCP.
Remote Connect Windows
Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using WINRM and SMB.
Remote Connect Windows PSExec
Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using PSExec SMB.
Remote Disconnect
Disconnect from a remote connection.
Remote Download
Download a file from a remote connection and store it within storage.
Remote Multi-Command
Execute multiple commands on an already connected remote system.
Remote Powershell Script
Executes a powershell script on a remote windows host.
Remote Reboot
Execute a controlled reboot of an already connected remote windows or linux system.
Remote Upload
Upload a file from storage to a remote connection.
Reset Trigger
Resets a trigger based on the trigger ID defined within the event data. data[event][triggerID] is the key used when attempting to reset a trigger.
Script Block
Executes defined python code.
Secure Secret
Generate a secure string that can later be used with the getSecret() function to return the plaintext value.
ServiceNow Custom Request
Execute a Jira API call
Set Action
Updates a given field on an existing action object with the defined value.
Set Trigger
Updates a given field on an existing trigger object with the defined value.
Sigma Rule
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules
Sigma Rule Trigger
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules
Sigma Rules File Trigger
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules found within a given rule folder
Sleep for a defined number of seconds before moving onto the next action within a flow.
Snow Connect
Connect to the SNOW Api
Snow Get Item
Snow Get Items
Sophos Central Connect
Create a connection handler for Sophos Central that can be used with other Sophos Central actions in a flow.
Sophos Central Custom Request
Send an API request to Sophos Central API endpoint that is not covered by other action objects.
Sophos Central Get Alerts
Returns alerts after the defined start time.
Sophos Central Get Endpoint
Gets data about a single endpoint as defined by the endpoint ID.
Sophos Central Get Endpoint Software Links
Get all the endpoint installer links for a tenant.
Sophos Central Get Endpoints
Return a list of Sophos Central endpoints, optionally a filter can be provided to filter the list of returned endpoints.
Sophos Central List Tenants
Returns a list of tenants for a given organization when Sophos Central is deployed in multi-tenant mode
Sophos Central Set Tenant
Change the current Sophos Central connection tenancy for use when using multi-tenant Sophos deployment.
Sophos SIEM Alerts
Collect SIEM alerts from Sophos Central.
Sophos SIEM Events
Collect SIEM events from Sophos Central.
Storage Download
Download and return the file path for a given storage file.
Storage Trigger
Load events from an existing storage file in csv, json or txt format.
Storage Upload
Upload a file to storage.
Sub Flow
Jump to another flow entry point using a defined trigger ID. SubFlow allows you to call flows as functions passing in and returning data so that flows can be easily reused.
Sub Flow Return
Exit a subFlow and return true/false as a result via the subFlowResult variable.
Time connected actions and output when completed the total time taken.
General purpose trigger object that can be used to start a flow based on a timer or cron schedule.
Try Except
Try a portion of flow and handel error as an exception if it occurs.
Unshortens a provided short URL.
Update Secret
Update the value of a given A-Ops secret
Vectra Custom Request
Execute a Vectra API call
ViewOnce Get
Get the ViewOnce message using the ViewOnce generated details.
ViewOnce Set
Create a new message to shared securely. This action will return the URL that can then be used to access the value.
Web Hook Trigger
A trigger that is externally called via an API. GET or POST methods can be used to call the external API https://<a-ops_URL>/integration/system/<access_key>/<token> when using POST you can optionally include a list of events within a json list.
Web Request
Call and external web service over HTTP/S and get the response.
Loop until a condition is True
While Continue
Jumps back to the while object, evaluates logic and then repeats the loop if the condition is still not met.
Wordpress Connect
Connect to a wordpress API using username and application password.
Wordpress Custom Request
Call any supported wordpress API endpoint and return the results to the A-Ops flow.
Wordpress Get Health
Get a summary of the Wordpress health page.
Wordpress Get Version
Get the current Wordpress version with an option to check if this is the latest version.
Wordpress List Plugins
Lists installed plugins with an option to check if the plugins is up to date.
Wordpress List Themes
Lists installed themes with an option to check if the themes are up to date.
Wordpress List Users
Lists configured users.
Write Google Sheet
Write data to a Google Docs Sheet
Zendesk Connect
Connect to a Zendesk instance via API.
Zendesk Custom Request
Execute a custom API call against a given endpoint.
Zendesk Oauth Create Token
Create a new Oauth access token for a given Oauth client.
Zendesk Oauth List Clients
Returns a list of configured zendesk Oauth clients.
Zendesk Oauth List Tokens
Returns a list of Oauth tokens for a given Oauth client
Zendesk Oauth Revoke Token
Revoke an existing Oauth token
Zendesk Update Ticket
Update a ticket by ID and corresponding fields.
AD Asset Discovery
Discover assets within an Active Directory.
Asset Search Trigger
Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.
Data Trigger
A trigger that contains a static user defined list of events.
DNS Twister Observe
Monitor and report on changes to a given list of domains. The domains use DNS Twister fuzzing to help detect phishing domains.
Event Threshold
Trigger that returns matching correlations based on the defined fields.
GLPI Due Tasks
Search for tasks that are due or overdue for a given user.
MS Defender Run Hunting Query Trigger
Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.
MSTeams Incoming Message
Inbound webhook to read messages coming from the configured teams channel.
OpenSearch Saved Search Trigger
Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.
OpenSearch Search Trigger
Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.
Playbook Search
Trigger for looping through playbooks and their occurrences.
Queue Trigger
Checks a given queue for new events that are ready to be executed.
Sigma Rule Trigger
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules
Sigma Rules File Trigger
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules found within a given rule folder
Sophos SIEM Alerts
Collect SIEM alerts from Sophos Central.
Sophos SIEM Events
Collect SIEM events from Sophos Central.
Storage Trigger
Load events from an existing storage file in csv, json or txt format.
General purpose trigger object that can be used to start a flow based on a timer or cron schedule.
Web Hook Trigger
A trigger that is externally called via an API. GET or POST methods can be used to call the external API https://<a-ops_URL>/integration/system/<access_key>/<token> when using POST you can optionally include a list of events within a json list.
General purpose action object that can be used to set variables and define flow logic.
AD Add User to Group
Add a defined user as a member of a defined group.
AD Create Group
Create a new group within Active Directory.
AD Create User
Create a new user within Active Directory.
AD Delete User
Delete a user account within Active Directory.
AD Disable User
Disable an enabled user within Active Directory.
AD Enable User
Enable a disabled user account.
AD Remove User from Group
Remove a user from an AD group.
AD Reset User Password
Reset the password for a given user within Active Directory.
AD Search
Search for objects within Active Directory based on an LDAP search filter.
AD Set Account Expiry
Defines an account expiry from an epoch provided value.
AD Set Object Attribute
Sets an attribute value on a given object.
Asset Delete
Delete 1 or more assets.
Asset Match
Find assets that match key/value within a specified time-frame.
Asset Search
Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.
Asset Update
Create/Update an asset within the asset management solution. Asset names are unique per entity.
AWS Boto3 Change Client
Changes the current boto3 client.
AWS Boto3 Change Resource
Changes the current boto3 resource.
AWS boto3 Client Function
Access and call a boto3 client function.
AWS boto3 Connect
Connect to a AWS regional service and defined boto3 client and/or resource.
AWS boto3 Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS boto3 client and resource.
AWS boto3 Resource Function
AWS EC2 Attach Volume
Attaches a volume to an instance.
AWS EC2 Connect
Connect to a AWS regional EC2 service.
AWS EC2 Create Custom Instance
Create a new EC2 instance by providing boto3 create instance parameters. This actions allow you to define more advance instances and access all available options.
AWS EC2 Create Instance
Creates a new EC2 AWS instance.
AWS EC2 Create Instance Image
Create an instance image and register it as an AMI. This process will snapshot all attached volumes and automatically provision the AMI.
AWS EC2 Create Instance Snapshot
Create a full instance snapshot of an EC2 instance and all attached disks.
AWS EC2 Create Snapshot
Create a snapshot of a volume.
AWS EC2 Create Tags
Create EC2 tags and attach them to a resource by ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Instance Image
Deletes an instance image with the option of also removing any unused associated snapshots.
AWS EC2 Delete Snapshot
Deletes an AWS EC2 snapshot by snapshot ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Tag
Delete a tag by key and value.
AWS EC2 Delete Tags
Deletes selective tags from a target resource ID.
AWS EC2 Delete Volume
Deletes an EC2 volume by volume ID.
AWS EC2 Detach Volume
Detached a volume from an instance.
AWS EC2 Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS EC2 service.
AWS EC2 Get Image
Retrieve data about a image using a image ID.
AWS EC2 Get Instance
Gets an instance based on the instance ID.
AWS EC2 Get Password
Gets password data for a given EC2 instance.
AWS EC2 Get Snapshot
Retrieve data about a snapshot using a snapshot ID.
AWS EC2 List Instances
Lists found instances which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 List Snapshots
Lists found snapshots which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 List Volumes
Lists found volumes which can be filtered based on a defined filter.
AWS EC2 Register Image
Registers a new AMI.
AWS EC2 Start Instance
Start an AWS EC2 instance.
AWS EC2 Stop Instance
Stop an AWS EC2 instance
AWS EC2 Terminate Instance
Terminates an AWS EC2 instance.
AWS Lambda Connect
Connect to a AWS regional Lambda service.
AWS Lambda Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS Lambda service.
AWS Lambda Invoke
Invoke a AWS Lambda defined function.
AWS S3 Append Content
Append to the bottom of an existing AWS S3 object.
AWS S3 Delete
Delete AWS S3 object
AWS S3 Download Object
Download an object an AWS S3 bucket.
AWS S3 Get Object Content
Return a contents of an AWS S3 object
AWS S3 Get Object Head
Get AWS S3 object head
AWS S3 List
List objects contained within an AWS S3 bucket.
AWS S3 Put Content
Create a new AWS S3 object from data provided
AWS S3 Upload File
Upload a file to AWS S3.
AWS Secrets Manager Connect
Connect to a AWS regional Secrets Manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Create Secret
Create a new AWS secret within AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Secrets Manager Create Tags
Creates tags on the defined secret.
AWS Secrets Manager Delete Secret
Deletes a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Secrets Manager Delete Tags
Deletes the defined list of tags from a secret.
AWS Secrets Manager Describe Secret
Get detailed information about a secret but without retrieving the secret data
AWS Secrets Manager Disconnect
Disconnect from the connected AWS Secrets Manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Generate Password
Generates a random password using the AWS Secrets Manager password generator function.
AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret
Returns a secret's key/values.
AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret Value
Returns a given secret value in encrypted or plaintext format.
AWS Secrets Manager List Secrets
Lists secrets found within the AWS secrets manager service.
AWS Secrets Manager Rotate Secret
Request AWS to rotate the given secrets value.
AWS Secrets Manager Update Secret
Updates the key/value secret data within an AWS secret.
Exits out of a loop or subFlow.
Pause a flow and await user response before continuing.
ClickSend SMS
Send an SMS message to a recipient.
ClickSend Voice
Send an voice message to a recipient.
Build events into a list based on the size limited provided. Once the list is built the collect object passes the list of events onto the next object.
Run several flow paths concurrently
Control-M Connect
Creates a connection handler for Control-M REST API Service, once connected other actions can be used without the requirement of providing credentials on all actions
Control-M Custom Request
Execute a call to a given API endpoint.
Control-M Get Events
Get a list of recent events.
Control-M Get Job
Get a job and its details.
Control-M Get Job Log
Get the job log.
Control-M Get Job Output
Get job output.
Control-M Get Job Statistics
Get job statistics.
Control-M Get Job Status
Get the status of a job.
Control-M Get Jobs By Status
Get jobs by a job status i.e. 'Ended Not OK'
Control-M Job Delete
Delete a job.
Control-M Job Free
Free a job.
Control-M Job Hold
Hold a job.
Control-M Job Kill
Kill a job.
Control-M Job Rerun
Rerun a job.
Control-M Job Run Now
Run a job now
Control-M Job Undelete
Undelete a job.
Control-M Job Wait Info
Get job wait info.
Control-M Logout
Close an existing open Control-M API Service connection.
Control-M Set Job Confirm
Confirm a job.
Control-M Set Job Ok
Mark a job as OK.
Control-M Update Alert
Update details of an alert.
Control-M Update Alert Status
Update the status of an alert.
Create Data Snapshot
Create a snapshot of the data within a flow for future review.
Create Secret
Create a new A-Ops secret
Database Connect MSSQL
Connect to a MSSQL Database.
Database Connect Oracle
Connect to an Oracle Database.
Database Connect PostgreSQL
Connect to a PostgreSQL database.
Database Delete
Perform a delete query against a connected database.
Database Disconnect
Disconnect from any connected database.
Database Insert
Perform a insert query against a connected database.
Database Search
Perform a search query against a connected database.
Database Update
Perform an update query against a connected database.
Disable Action
Disables an existing action by ID.
Disable Trigger
Disables an existing trigger by ID.
DNS Twister Fuzz
Returns a list of fuzzed domains from the domain provided.
DNS Twister Google Safe Browsing
Returns the current Google safe browsing system of the provided domain.
DNS Twister IP Resolution
Resolve an IP address from a domain.
DNS Twister Parked Check
Checks if the domains is a parked domain.
DNS Twister Report
Returns the DNS Twister report of a given domain.
Gets WHOIS information using the DNS Twister API.
Echos a message into the action output.
Action that provides the ability to send SMTP emails via a SMTP relay.
Enable Action
Enables an existing action by ID.
Enable Trigger
Enables an existing trigger by ID.
Event Build Correlations
Build and updates event correlations.
Event Get Correlation
Get a correlation from UID string.
Event Get Correlations
Get a list of correlations based on the provided criteria.
Event Update
Updates a value on an existing event by index.
Event Update Score
Updates the score on an existing event by index.
Execute Trigger
Executes a trigger immediately
Exits the currently running trigger.
Regular expression extraction of a given string.
Loop over a data list of json events.
FortiGate Command
Execute and receive output from a given command.
FortiGate Connect
Connect to FortiGate firewall over SSH
FortiGate Disconnect
Disconnects from an active FortiGate connection.
FortiGate Script
Execute a defined FortiGate script on the connected firewall.
fortiManager Connect
Connect to a fortiManager instance. Required before calling any other fortiManager integration objects.
fortiManager Get ADOMs
List ADOMs present on the fortiManager
fortiManager Get Object
Return a given object.
fortiManager Get Objects
Get a list of object by object type
fortiManager Set ADOM
Change which ADOM is currently being used.
fortiManager Set Object
Update a fortiManager object
FTP Connect
Connect to an FTP server
FTP Disconnect
Closes FTP active session
FTP Storbinary
Store File to an FTP server
Retrieve File from an FTP server
Fuzzy Match Distance
Compares two strings for likeness based on a Levenshtein Distance score.
Fuzzy Match String
Compares two strings for likeness
Generate Password
Randomly generate a password string.
Geolocate IPv4
Return geolocation data about a given IPv4 address.
Get Action
Get a given action's details.
Get Google Sheet
Read and return a Google Docs Sheet
Get Trigger
Get a given trigger's details.
Global Get
Retrieve global variable by name.
Global Set
Sets a global variable that can be later retrieved with the globalGet object.
GLPI Complete Task
Mark a task as completed.
GLPI Connect
Connect to a GLPI instance.
GLPI Followup
Add a new followup to an existing ticket.
GLPI Search
Search across the GLPI platform.
GLPI Solve
Solve a ticket.
Create/Update a task within an existing ticket.
GLPI Ticket
Create a new ticket within the GLPI ticketing system.
GLPI Ticket Detail
Get the details of a ticket by ticket ID.
GoDaddy Connect
Connect to a GoDaddy API service using key and secret. This object can be used to start a connection that is then used by other GoDaddy objects within a flow.
GoDaddy Delete DNS Record
Delete a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
GoDaddy Get DNS Record
Get a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
GoDaddy Update DNS Record
Update a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.
Google Chat Send Message
Sends a message via a Google Chat incoming webhook.
Google Sheet Get Range
Get a list of values from a Google Docs sheet using a range i.e. A:B
Google Sheet Insert
Inserts into an existing Google Docs sheet at a provided position i.e. A1
Google Sheet Update Cell
Updates a cell with a provided value
Google Sheets Connect
Create a Google Docs service connection that can then be used to interact with sheets shared with the service user
IBM Cloud Client Function
Access and call an IBM VPC Python SDK client function.
IBM Cloud Connect
Create an API session with IBM Cloud so that subsistent IBM Cloud actions can be executed.
IBM Cloud Create Instance
Create a new VPC instance within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create Instance From Snapshot
Create a new VPC instance from an existing snapshot within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC
Create a new VPC within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC Instance Volume Snapshot
Create a new snapshot for a given volume.
IBM Cloud Create VPC IPv4 Subnet
Create a new IPV4 Subnet within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Create VPC Network Prefix
Create a network super-net prefix within a VPC.
IBM Cloud Delete Instance
Delete a VPC instance within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC
Delete a VPC from your IBM Cloud environment.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume
Delete an instance volume within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume Snapshots
Delete all snapshots for a given volume within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Snapshot
Delete snapshot for a given snapshot ID within IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Delete VPC Subnet
Delete a subnet within a VPC in IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Get VPC
Get a single VPC by ID or when no ID is provided return all VPCs within your IBM Cloud Account.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance
Get details of an IBM Cloud VPC instance or list all VPC instances when no instance ID is provided.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume
Get volume details of a given IBM Cloud VPC Instance, or list all volumes for a given instance when Volume ID is blank.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume Snapshot
Get details of a volume snapshot or list all snapshots for a given volume when no snapshot ID is provided.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Network Prefix
Get IBM Cloud VPC super-net prefix.
IBM Cloud Get VPC Subnet
Get details of a given subnet or when no subnet is provided all subnets will be returned.
IBM Cloud List VPC Region Zones
List IBM Cloud VPC zones for a given region.
IBM Cloud List VPC Regions
List IBM Cloud VPC regions.
IBM Cloud VPC Disconnect
Disconnect from an IBM Cloud session made using IBM cloud Connect.
IPStack Lookup IP
Retrieve information about an IP.
IPStack My IP
Get your external IP address as seen by the IPStack service.
jinja2 Format
Render a template using a defined jinja2 template.
Jira Custom Request
Execute a Jira API call
MongoDB Connect
Connect to a MongoDB Database.
MongoDB Find
Execute a MongoDB find query.
MS Defender Connect
Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with MS Defender.
MS Defender Custom Request
Execute a custom graph API request.
MS Defender for Endpoint Custom Request
Execute a custom Defender for Endpoint API request.
MS Defender Get Alerts
Execute a graph API request that retrieves alerts.
MS Defender Get Incidents
Execute a graph API request that retreives incidents.
MS Defender Get New Alerts
Execute a graph API request that retrieves new alerts.
MS Defender Get New Incidents
Execute a graph API request that retrieves new incidents.
MS Defender Run Hunting Query
Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.
MSTeams Post Message
Post a message to a configured teams channel.
Action responsible for raising, updating and clearing alarm state based on a given match string UID.
Occurrence Update
Provides the ability to update variables held within the alarm objects data field.
OneNote Add Bulk Content
Inserts bulk content onto a OneNote page
OneNote Add Content Base64 Image
Inserts a base64 image onto the target page
OneNote Add Content Image
Inserts a image from URL src onto the target page
OneNote Add Content Text
Insert text content onto the target page.
OneNote Add Content Website Render
Inserts a rendered version of a given website into the target page.
OneNote Add Notebook Section
Creates a new section within the target notebook.
OneNote Add Section HTML Page
Create a new page with custom HTML within the target section.
OneNote Add Section Page
Creates a basic OneNote page within a target section.
OneNote Connect
Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with OneNote hosted documents.
OneNote Custom Request
Execute a custom graph API request.
OneNote Delete Notebook Section
Deletes a target section within a OneNote document.
OneNote Delete Page
Deletes a page within a OneNote document.
OneNote Get Page Content
Retrieve the current OneNote page in HTML format.
OneNote List Group Notebooks
Lists accessible notebooks within a group that the target user has access to.
OneNote List My Notebooks
Lists the target users notebooks stored within their personal OneDrive.
OneNote List Notebook Sections
Lists all sections within a given notebook.
OneNote List Section Pages
Lists pages within a target section of a OneNote document.
OneNote List Site Notebooks
Lists accessible notebooks within a sharepoint site that the target user has access to.
OpenSearch Custom Request
Execute a custom OpenSearch request.
OpenSearch Saved Search
Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.
OpenSearch Search
Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.
Oracle Cloud Connect
Connect to Oracle Cloud service.
Oracle Cloud Function
Calls an API function for the connected Oracle Cloud Service
OTX Get Pulse
Get a pulse by pulse ID.
OTX Lookup CVE
Retrieve CVE information from a given CVE.
OTX Lookup Domain
Retrieve domain information from a given domain.
OTX Lookup Hash
Retrieve hash information from a given hash.
OTX Lookup Hostname
Retrieve hostname information from a given hostname.
OTX Lookup IPv4
Retrieve IPv4 information from a given IPv4 address.
OTX Lookup IPv6
Retrieve IPv6 information from a given IPv6 address.
OTX Lookup URL
Retrieve URL information from a given URL.
playbook Add
Add an occurrence into a playbook.
playbook Bulk Add
Add multiple occurrences into a playbook.
Playbook End
Define the end of a playbook within a flow.
Playbook Get
Get a playbook occurrence item.
Playbook Search Action
Search for occurrences within a playbook.
Playbook Start
Used to start a playbook for a provided playbook occurrence UID string.
playbook Start Update
Update a defined playbook start action by action ID.
Playbook Update Data
Update a playbooks occurrence.
Proofpoint TR Add Incident Comment
Add comment to a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Close Incident
Close a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Get Incident
Get Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR Get Incident Alerts
Get alerts associated to a Add a Proofpoint Threat Response incident
Proofpoint TR List Incidents
List Proofpoint Threat Response incidents
Proofpoint TR List New Incidents
List Proofpoint New Threat Response incidents
Queue Add Event
Adds a new event to a queue.
Queue Event Clear
Manually remove an event from the queue.
Raise an exception.
Raise Event
Raise a new event based on the fields provided.
Remote Command
Execute a remote command on an already connected remote system.
Remote Connect Aruba
Initialize a connection to a remote Aruba system using SSH.
Remote Connect Cisco
Initialize a connection to a remote Cisco system using SSH.
Remote Connect FortiGate
Initialize a connection to a remote FortiGate system using SSH.
Remote Connect Linux
Initialize a connection to a remote linux system using SSH and SCP.
Remote Connect Windows
Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using WINRM and SMB.
Remote Connect Windows PSExec
Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using PSExec SMB.
Remote Disconnect
Disconnect from a remote connection.
Remote Download
Download a file from a remote connection and store it within storage.
Remote Multi-Command
Execute multiple commands on an already connected remote system.
Remote Powershell Script
Executes a powershell script on a remote windows host.
Remote Reboot
Execute a controlled reboot of an already connected remote windows or linux system.
Remote Upload
Upload a file from storage to a remote connection.
Reset Trigger
Resets a trigger based on the trigger ID defined within the event data. data[event][triggerID] is the key used when attempting to reset a trigger.
Script Block
Executes defined python code.
Secure Secret
Generate a secure string that can later be used with the getSecret() function to return the plaintext value.
ServiceNow Custom Request
Execute a Jira API call
Set Action
Updates a given field on an existing action object with the defined value.
Set Trigger
Updates a given field on an existing trigger object with the defined value.
Sigma Rule
Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules
Sleep for a defined number of seconds before moving onto the next action within a flow.
Snow Connect
Connect to the SNOW Api
Snow Get Item
Snow Get Items
Sophos Central Connect
Create a connection handler for Sophos Central that can be used with other Sophos Central actions in a flow.
Sophos Central Custom Request
Send an API request to Sophos Central API endpoint that is not covered by other action objects.
Sophos Central Get Alerts
Returns alerts after the defined start time.
Sophos Central Get Endpoint
Gets data about a single endpoint as defined by the endpoint ID.
Sophos Central Get Endpoint Software Links
Get all the endpoint installer links for a tenant.
Sophos Central Get Endpoints
Return a list of Sophos Central endpoints, optionally a filter can be provided to filter the list of returned endpoints.
Sophos Central List Tenants
Returns a list of tenants for a given organization when Sophos Central is deployed in multi-tenant mode
Sophos Central Set Tenant
Change the current Sophos Central connection tenancy for use when using multi-tenant Sophos deployment.
Storage Download
Download and return the file path for a given storage file.
Storage Upload
Upload a file to storage.
Sub Flow
Jump to another flow entry point using a defined trigger ID. SubFlow allows you to call flows as functions passing in and returning data so that flows can be easily reused.
Sub Flow Return
Exit a subFlow and return true/false as a result via the subFlowResult variable.
Time connected actions and output when completed the total time taken.
Try Except
Try a portion of flow and handel error as an exception if it occurs.
Unshortens a provided short URL.
Update Secret
Update the value of a given A-Ops secret
Vectra Custom Request
Execute a Vectra API call
ViewOnce Get
Get the ViewOnce message using the ViewOnce generated details.
ViewOnce Set
Create a new message to shared securely. This action will return the URL that can then be used to access the value.
Web Request
Call and external web service over HTTP/S and get the response.
Loop until a condition is True
While Continue
Jumps back to the while object, evaluates logic and then repeats the loop if the condition is still not met.
Wordpress Connect
Connect to a wordpress API using username and application password.
Wordpress Custom Request
Call any supported wordpress API endpoint and return the results to the A-Ops flow.
Wordpress Get Health
Get a summary of the Wordpress health page.
Wordpress Get Version
Get the current Wordpress version with an option to check if this is the latest version.
Wordpress List Plugins
Lists installed plugins with an option to check if the plugins is up to date.
Wordpress List Themes
Lists installed themes with an option to check if the themes are up to date.
Wordpress List Users
Lists configured users.
Write Google Sheet
Write data to a Google Docs Sheet
Zendesk Connect
Connect to a Zendesk instance via API.
Zendesk Custom Request
Execute a custom API call against a given endpoint.
Zendesk Oauth Create Token
Create a new Oauth access token for a given Oauth client.
Zendesk Oauth List Clients
Returns a list of configured zendesk Oauth clients.
Zendesk Oauth List Tokens
Returns a list of Oauth tokens for a given Oauth client
Zendesk Oauth Revoke Token
Revoke an existing Oauth token
Zendesk Update Ticket
Update a ticket by ID and corresponding fields.