Nmap Asset Discovery

  • Action

    General purpose action object that can be used to set variables and define flow logic.

  • AD Add User to Group

    Add a defined user as a member of a defined group.

  • AD Asset Discovery

    Discover assets within an Active Directory.

  • AD Create Group

    Create a new group within Active Directory.

  • AD Create User

    Create a new user within Active Directory.

  • AD Delete User

    Delete a user account within Active Directory.

  • AD Disable User

    Disable an enabled user within Active Directory.

  • AD Enable User

    Enable a disabled user account.

  • AD Remove User from Group

    Remove a user from an AD group.

  • AD Reset User Password

    Reset the password for a given user within Active Directory.

  • AD Search

    Search for objects within Active Directory based on an LDAP search filter.

  • AD Set Account Expiry

    Defines an account expiry from an epoch provided value.

  • AD Set Object Attribute

    Sets an attribute value on a given object.

  • Asset Delete

    Delete 1 or more assets.

  • Asset Match

    Find assets that match key/value within a specified time-frame.

  • Asset Search

    Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.

  • Asset Search Trigger

    Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.

  • Asset Update

    Create/Update an asset within the asset management solution. Asset names are unique per entity.

  • AWS Boto3 Change Client

    Changes the current boto3 client.

  • AWS Boto3 Change Resource

    Changes the current boto3 resource.

  • AWS boto3 Client Function

    Access and call a boto3 client function.

  • AWS boto3 Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional service and defined boto3 client and/or resource.

  • AWS boto3 Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS boto3 client and resource.

  • AWS boto3 Resource Function

  • AWS EC2 Attach Volume

    Attaches a volume to an instance.

  • AWS EC2 Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional EC2 service.

  • AWS EC2 Create Custom Instance

    Create a new EC2 instance by providing boto3 create instance parameters. This actions allow you to define more advance instances and access all available options.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance

    Creates a new EC2 AWS instance.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance Image

    Create an instance image and register it as an AMI. This process will snapshot all attached volumes and automatically provision the AMI.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance Snapshot

    Create a full instance snapshot of an EC2 instance and all attached disks.

  • AWS EC2 Create Snapshot

    Create a snapshot of a volume.

  • AWS EC2 Create Tags

    Create EC2 tags and attach them to a resource by ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Instance Image

    Deletes an instance image with the option of also removing any unused associated snapshots.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Snapshot

    Deletes an AWS EC2 snapshot by snapshot ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Tag

    Delete a tag by key and value.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Tags

    Deletes selective tags from a target resource ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Volume

    Deletes an EC2 volume by volume ID.

  • AWS EC2 Detach Volume

    Detached a volume from an instance.

  • AWS EC2 Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS EC2 service.

  • AWS EC2 Get Image

    Retrieve data about a image using a image ID.

  • AWS EC2 Get Instance

    Gets an instance based on the instance ID.

  • AWS EC2 Get Password

    Gets password data for a given EC2 instance.

  • AWS EC2 Get Snapshot

    Retrieve data about a snapshot using a snapshot ID.

  • AWS EC2 List Instances

    Lists found instances which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 List Snapshots

    Lists found snapshots which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 List Volumes

    Lists found volumes which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 Register Image

    Registers a new AMI.

  • AWS EC2 Start Instance

    Start an AWS EC2 instance.

  • AWS EC2 Stop Instance

    Stop an AWS EC2 instance

  • AWS EC2 Terminate Instance

    Terminates an AWS EC2 instance.

  • AWS Lambda Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional Lambda service.

  • AWS Lambda Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS Lambda service.

  • AWS Lambda Invoke

    Invoke a AWS Lambda defined function.

  • AWS S3 Append Content

    Append to the bottom of an existing AWS S3 object.

  • AWS S3 Delete

    Delete AWS S3 object

  • AWS S3 Download Object

    Download an object an AWS S3 bucket.

  • AWS S3 Get Object Content

    Return a contents of an AWS S3 object

  • AWS S3 Get Object Head

    Get AWS S3 object head

  • AWS S3 List

    List objects contained within an AWS S3 bucket.

  • AWS S3 Put Content

    Create a new AWS S3 object from data provided

  • AWS S3 Upload File

    Upload a file to AWS S3.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional Secrets Manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Create Secret

    Create a new AWS secret within AWS Secrets Manager.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Create Tags

    Creates tags on the defined secret.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Delete Secret

    Deletes a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Delete Tags

    Deletes the defined list of tags from a secret.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Describe Secret

    Get detailed information about a secret but without retrieving the secret data

  • AWS Secrets Manager Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS Secrets Manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Generate Password

    Generates a random password using the AWS Secrets Manager password generator function.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret

    Returns a secret's key/values.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret Value

    Returns a given secret value in encrypted or plaintext format.

  • AWS Secrets Manager List Secrets

    Lists secrets found within the AWS secrets manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Rotate Secret

    Request AWS to rotate the given secrets value.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Update Secret

    Updates the key/value secret data within an AWS secret.

  • Break

    Exits out of a loop or subFlow.

  • Choice

    Pause a flow and await user response before continuing.

  • ClickSend SMS

    Send an SMS message to a recipient.

  • ClickSend Voice

    Send an voice message to a recipient.

  • Collect

    Build events into a list based on the size limited provided. Once the list is built the collect object passes the list of events onto the next object.

  • Concurrent

    Run several flow paths concurrently

  • Control-M Connect

    Creates a connection handler for Control-M REST API Service, once connected other actions can be used without the requirement of providing credentials on all actions

  • Control-M Custom Request

    Execute a call to a given API endpoint.

  • Control-M Get Events

    Get a list of recent events.

  • Control-M Get Job

    Get a job and its details.

  • Control-M Get Job Log

    Get the job log.

  • Control-M Get Job Output

    Get job output.

  • Control-M Get Job Statistics

    Get job statistics.

  • Control-M Get Job Status

    Get the status of a job.

  • Control-M Get Jobs By Status

    Get jobs by a job status i.e. 'Ended Not OK'

  • Control-M Job Delete

    Delete a job.

  • Control-M Job Free

    Free a job.

  • Control-M Job Hold

    Hold a job.

  • Control-M Job Kill

    Kill a job.

  • Control-M Job Rerun

    Rerun a job.

  • Control-M Job Run Now

    Run a job now

  • Control-M Job Undelete

    Undelete a job.

  • Control-M Job Wait Info

    Get job wait info.

  • Control-M Logout

    Close an existing open Control-M API Service connection.

  • Control-M Set Job Confirm

    Confirm a job.

  • Control-M Set Job Ok

    Mark a job as OK.

  • Control-M Update Alert

    Update details of an alert.

  • Control-M Update Alert Status

    Update the status of an alert.

  • Create Data Snapshot

    Create a snapshot of the data within a flow for future review.

  • Create Secret

    Create a new A-Ops secret

  • Data Trigger

    A trigger that contains a static user defined list of events.

  • Database Connect MSSQL

    Connect to a MSSQL Database.

  • Database Connect Oracle

    Connect to an Oracle Database.

  • Database Connect PostgreSQL

    Connect to a PostgreSQL database.

  • Database Delete

    Perform a delete query against a connected database.

  • Database Disconnect

    Disconnect from any connected database.

  • Database Insert

    Perform a insert query against a connected database.

  • Database Search

    Perform a search query against a connected database.

  • Database Update

    Perform an update query against a connected database.

  • dataIngest

  • Disable Action

    Disables an existing action by ID.

  • Disable Trigger

    Disables an existing trigger by ID.

  • DNS Twister Fuzz

    Returns a list of fuzzed domains from the domain provided.

  • DNS Twister Google Safe Browsing

    Returns the current Google safe browsing system of the provided domain.

  • DNS Twister IP Resolution

    Resolve an IP address from a domain.

  • DNS Twister Observe

    Monitor and report on changes to a given list of domains. The domains use DNS Twister fuzzing to help detect phishing domains.

  • DNS Twister Parked Check

    Checks if the domains is a parked domain.

  • DNS Twister Report

    Returns the DNS Twister report of a given domain.

  • DNS Twister WHOIS

    Gets WHOIS information using the DNS Twister API.

  • Echo

    Echos a message into the action output.

  • Email

    Action that provides the ability to send SMTP emails via a SMTP relay.

  • Enable Action

    Enables an existing action by ID.

  • Enable Trigger

    Enables an existing trigger by ID.

  • Event Build Correlations

    Build and updates event correlations.

  • Event Get Correlation

    Get a correlation from UID string.

  • Event Get Correlations

    Get a list of correlations based on the provided criteria.

  • Event Threshold

    Trigger that returns matching correlations based on the defined fields.

  • Event Update

    Updates a value on an existing event by index.

  • Event Update Score

    Updates the score on an existing event by index.

  • Execute Trigger

    Executes a trigger immediately

  • Exit

    Exits the currently running trigger.

  • Extract

    Regular expression extraction of a given string.

  • Foreach

    Loop over a data list of json events.

  • FortiGate Command

    Execute and receive output from a given command.

  • FortiGate Connect

    Connect to FortiGate firewall over SSH

  • FortiGate Disconnect

    Disconnects from an active FortiGate connection.

  • FortiGate Script

    Execute a defined FortiGate script on the connected firewall.

  • fortiManager Connect

    Connect to a fortiManager instance. Required before calling any other fortiManager integration objects.

  • fortiManager Get ADOMs

    List ADOMs present on the fortiManager

  • fortiManager Get Object

    Return a given object.

  • fortiManager Get Objects

    Get a list of object by object type

  • fortiManager Set ADOM

    Change which ADOM is currently being used.

  • fortiManager Set Object

    Update a fortiManager object

  • FTP Connect

    Connect to an FTP server

  • FTP Disconnect

    Closes FTP active session

  • FTP Storbinary

    Store File to an FTP server

  • ftpRetrieve

    Retrieve File from an FTP server

  • Fuzzy Match Distance

    Compares two strings for likeness based on a Levenshtein Distance score.

  • Fuzzy Match String

    Compares two strings for likeness

  • Generate Password

    Randomly generate a password string.

  • Geolocate IPv4

    Return geolocation data about a given IPv4 address.

  • Get Action

    Get a given action's details.

  • Get Google Sheet

    Read and return a Google Docs Sheet

  • Get Trigger

    Get a given trigger's details.

  • Global Get

    Retrieve global variable by name.

  • Global Set

    Sets a global variable that can be later retrieved with the globalGet object.

  • GLPI Complete Task

    Mark a task as completed.

  • GLPI Connect

    Connect to a GLPI instance.

  • GLPI Due Tasks

    Search for tasks that are due or overdue for a given user.

  • GLPI Followup

    Add a new followup to an existing ticket.

  • GLPI Search

    Search across the GLPI platform.

  • GLPI Solve

    Solve a ticket.

  • GLPI Task

    Create/Update a task within an existing ticket.

  • GLPI Ticket

    Create a new ticket within the GLPI ticketing system.

  • GLPI Ticket Detail

    Get the details of a ticket by ticket ID.

  • GoDaddy Connect

    Connect to a GoDaddy API service using key and secret. This object can be used to start a connection that is then used by other GoDaddy objects within a flow.

  • GoDaddy Delete DNS Record

    Delete a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • GoDaddy Get DNS Record

    Get a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • GoDaddy Update DNS Record

    Update a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • Google Chat Send Message

    Sends a message via a Google Chat incoming webhook.

  • Google Sheet Get Range

    Get a list of values from a Google Docs sheet using a range i.e. A:B

  • Google Sheet Insert

    Inserts into an existing Google Docs sheet at a provided position i.e. A1

  • Google Sheet Update Cell

    Updates a cell with a provided value

  • Google Sheets Connect

    Create a Google Docs service connection that can then be used to interact with sheets shared with the service user

  • IBM Cloud Client Function

    Access and call an IBM VPC Python SDK client function.

  • IBM Cloud Connect

    Create an API session with IBM Cloud so that subsistent IBM Cloud actions can be executed.

  • IBM Cloud Create Instance

    Create a new VPC instance within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create Instance From Snapshot

    Create a new VPC instance from an existing snapshot within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC

    Create a new VPC within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC Instance Volume Snapshot

    Create a new snapshot for a given volume.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC IPv4 Subnet

    Create a new IPV4 Subnet within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC Network Prefix

    Create a network super-net prefix within a VPC.

  • IBM Cloud Delete Instance

    Delete a VPC instance within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC

    Delete a VPC from your IBM Cloud environment.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume

    Delete an instance volume within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume Snapshots

    Delete all snapshots for a given volume within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Snapshot

    Delete snapshot for a given snapshot ID within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Subnet

    Delete a subnet within a VPC in IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC

    Get a single VPC by ID or when no ID is provided return all VPCs within your IBM Cloud Account.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance

    Get details of an IBM Cloud VPC instance or list all VPC instances when no instance ID is provided.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume

    Get volume details of a given IBM Cloud VPC Instance, or list all volumes for a given instance when Volume ID is blank.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume Snapshot

    Get details of a volume snapshot or list all snapshots for a given volume when no snapshot ID is provided.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Network Prefix

    Get IBM Cloud VPC super-net prefix.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Subnet

    Get details of a given subnet or when no subnet is provided all subnets will be returned.

  • IBM Cloud List VPC Region Zones

    List IBM Cloud VPC zones for a given region.

  • IBM Cloud List VPC Regions

    List IBM Cloud VPC regions.

  • IBM Cloud VPC Disconnect

    Disconnect from an IBM Cloud session made using IBM cloud Connect.

  • IPStack Lookup IP

    Retrieve information about an IP.

  • IPStack My IP

    Get your external IP address as seen by the IPStack service.

  • jinja2 Format

    Render a template using a defined jinja2 template.

  • Jira Custom Request

    Execute a Jira API call

  • localConvertCSVToDict

  • localDelete

  • localExecute

  • localPing

  • localRead

  • localWrite

  • MongoDB Connect

    Connect to a MongoDB Database.

  • MongoDB Find

    Execute a MongoDB find query.

  • MS Defender Connect

    Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with MS Defender.

  • MS Defender Custom Request

    Execute a custom graph API request.

  • MS Defender for Endpoint Custom Request

    Execute a custom Defender for Endpoint API request.

  • MS Defender Get Alerts

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves alerts.

  • MS Defender Get Incidents

    Execute a graph API request that retreives incidents.

  • MS Defender Get New Alerts

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves new alerts.

  • MS Defender Get New Incidents

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves new incidents.

  • MS Defender Run Hunting Query

    Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.

  • MS Defender Run Hunting Query Trigger

    Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.

  • MSTeams Incoming Message

    Inbound webhook to read messages coming from the configured teams channel.

  • MSTeams Post Message

    Post a message to a configured teams channel.

  • netskopeActionGetAlerts

  • netskopeActionGetEvents

  • netskopeGetAlerts

  • netskopeGetEvents

  • Occurrence

    Action responsible for raising, updating and clearing alarm state based on a given match string UID.

  • Occurrence Update

    Provides the ability to update variables held within the alarm objects data field.

  • OneNote Add Bulk Content

    Inserts bulk content onto a OneNote page

  • OneNote Add Content Base64 Image

    Inserts a base64 image onto the target page

  • OneNote Add Content Image

    Inserts a image from URL src onto the target page

  • OneNote Add Content Text

    Insert text content onto the target page.

  • OneNote Add Content Website Render

    Inserts a rendered version of a given website into the target page.

  • OneNote Add Notebook Section

    Creates a new section within the target notebook.

  • OneNote Add Section HTML Page

    Create a new page with custom HTML within the target section.

  • OneNote Add Section Page

    Creates a basic OneNote page within a target section.

  • OneNote Connect

    Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with OneNote hosted documents.

  • OneNote Custom Request

    Execute a custom graph API request.

  • OneNote Delete Notebook Section

    Deletes a target section within a OneNote document.

  • OneNote Delete Page

    Deletes a page within a OneNote document.

  • OneNote Get Page Content

    Retrieve the current OneNote page in HTML format.

  • OneNote List Group Notebooks

    Lists accessible notebooks within a group that the target user has access to.

  • OneNote List My Notebooks

    Lists the target users notebooks stored within their personal OneDrive.

  • OneNote List Notebook Sections

    Lists all sections within a given notebook.

  • OneNote List Section Pages

    Lists pages within a target section of a OneNote document.

  • OneNote List Site Notebooks

    Lists accessible notebooks within a sharepoint site that the target user has access to.

  • OpenSearch Custom Request

    Execute a custom OpenSearch request.

  • OpenSearch Saved Search

    Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.

  • OpenSearch Saved Search Trigger

    Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.

  • OpenSearch Search

    Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.

  • OpenSearch Search Trigger

    Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.

  • Oracle Cloud Connect

    Connect to Oracle Cloud service.

  • Oracle Cloud Function

    Calls an API function for the connected Oracle Cloud Service

  • OTX Get Pulse

    Get a pulse by pulse ID.

  • OTX Lookup CVE

    Retrieve CVE information from a given CVE.

  • OTX Lookup Domain

    Retrieve domain information from a given domain.

  • OTX Lookup Hash

    Retrieve hash information from a given hash.

  • OTX Lookup Hostname

    Retrieve hostname information from a given hostname.

  • OTX Lookup IPv4

    Retrieve IPv4 information from a given IPv4 address.

  • OTX Lookup IPv6

    Retrieve IPv6 information from a given IPv6 address.

  • OTX Lookup URL

    Retrieve URL information from a given URL.

  • playbook Add

    Add an occurrence into a playbook.

  • playbook Bulk Add

    Add multiple occurrences into a playbook.

  • Playbook End

    Define the end of a playbook within a flow.

  • Playbook Get

    Get a playbook occurrence item.

  • Playbook Search

    Trigger for looping through playbooks and their occurrences.

  • Playbook Search Action

    Search for occurrences within a playbook.

  • Playbook Start

    Used to start a playbook for a provided playbook occurrence UID string.

  • playbook Start Update

    Update a defined playbook start action by action ID.

  • Playbook Update Data

    Update a playbooks occurrence.

  • Proofpoint TR Add Incident Comment

    Add comment to a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Close Incident

    Close a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Get Incident

    Get Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Get Incident Alerts

    Get alerts associated to a Add a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR List Incidents

    List Proofpoint Threat Response incidents

  • Proofpoint TR List New Incidents

    List Proofpoint New Threat Response incidents

  • Queue Add Event

    Adds a new event to a queue.

  • Queue Event Clear

    Manually remove an event from the queue.

  • Queue Trigger

    Checks a given queue for new events that are ready to be executed.

  • Raise

    Raise an exception.

  • Raise Event

    Raise a new event based on the fields provided.

  • Remote Command

    Execute a remote command on an already connected remote system.

  • Remote Connect Aruba

    Initialize a connection to a remote Aruba system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect Cisco

    Initialize a connection to a remote Cisco system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect FortiGate

    Initialize a connection to a remote FortiGate system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect Linux

    Initialize a connection to a remote linux system using SSH and SCP.

  • Remote Connect Windows

    Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using WINRM and SMB.

  • Remote Connect Windows PSExec

    Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using PSExec SMB.

  • Remote Disconnect

    Disconnect from a remote connection.

  • Remote Download

    Download a file from a remote connection and store it within storage.

  • Remote Multi-Command

    Execute multiple commands on an already connected remote system.

  • Remote Powershell Script

    Executes a powershell script on a remote windows host.

  • Remote Reboot

    Execute a controlled reboot of an already connected remote windows or linux system.

  • Remote Upload

    Upload a file from storage to a remote connection.

  • Reset Trigger

    Resets a trigger based on the trigger ID defined within the event data. data[event][triggerID] is the key used when attempting to reset a trigger.

  • Script Block

    Executes defined python code.

  • Secure Secret

    Generate a secure string that can later be used with the getSecret() function to return the plaintext value.

  • ServiceNow Custom Request

    Execute a Jira API call

  • Set Action

    Updates a given field on an existing action object with the defined value.

  • Set Trigger

    Updates a given field on an existing trigger object with the defined value.

  • Sigma Rule

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules

  • Sigma Rule Trigger

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules

  • Sigma Rules File Trigger

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules found within a given rule folder

  • Sleep

    Sleep for a defined number of seconds before moving onto the next action within a flow.

  • SNMP

  • Snow Connect

    Connect to the SNOW Api

  • Snow Get Item

  • Snow Get Items

  • Sophos Central Connect

    Create a connection handler for Sophos Central that can be used with other Sophos Central actions in a flow.

  • Sophos Central Custom Request

    Send an API request to Sophos Central API endpoint that is not covered by other action objects.

  • Sophos Central Get Alerts

    Returns alerts after the defined start time.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoint

    Gets data about a single endpoint as defined by the endpoint ID.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoint Software Links

    Get all the endpoint installer links for a tenant.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoints

    Return a list of Sophos Central endpoints, optionally a filter can be provided to filter the list of returned endpoints.

  • Sophos Central List Tenants

    Returns a list of tenants for a given organization when Sophos Central is deployed in multi-tenant mode

  • Sophos Central Set Tenant

    Change the current Sophos Central connection tenancy for use when using multi-tenant Sophos deployment.

  • Sophos SIEM Alerts

    Collect SIEM alerts from Sophos Central.

  • Sophos SIEM Events

    Collect SIEM events from Sophos Central.

  • Storage Download

    Download and return the file path for a given storage file.

  • Storage Trigger

    Load events from an existing storage file in csv, json or txt format.

  • Storage Upload

    Upload a file to storage.

  • Sub Flow

    Jump to another flow entry point using a defined trigger ID. SubFlow allows you to call flows as functions passing in and returning data so that flows can be easily reused.

  • Sub Flow Return

    Exit a subFlow and return true/false as a result via the subFlowResult variable.

  • Timed

    Time connected actions and output when completed the total time taken.

  • Trigger

    General purpose trigger object that can be used to start a flow based on a timer or cron schedule.

  • Try Except

    Try a portion of flow and handel error as an exception if it occurs.

  • UnShorten

    Unshortens a provided short URL.

  • Update Secret

    Update the value of a given A-Ops secret

  • Vectra Custom Request

    Execute a Vectra API call

  • ViewOnce Get

    Get the ViewOnce message using the ViewOnce generated details.

  • ViewOnce Set

    Create a new message to shared securely. This action will return the URL that can then be used to access the value.

  • Web Hook Trigger

    A trigger that is externally called via an API. GET or POST methods can be used to call the external API https://<a-ops_URL>/integration/system/<access_key>/<token> when using POST you can optionally include a list of events within a json list.

  • Web Request

    Call and external web service over HTTP/S and get the response.

  • While

    Loop until a condition is True

  • While Continue

    Jumps back to the while object, evaluates logic and then repeats the loop if the condition is still not met.

  • Wordpress Connect

    Connect to a wordpress API using username and application password.

  • Wordpress Custom Request

    Call any supported wordpress API endpoint and return the results to the A-Ops flow.

  • Wordpress Get Health

    Get a summary of the Wordpress health page.

  • Wordpress Get Version

    Get the current Wordpress version with an option to check if this is the latest version.

  • Wordpress List Plugins

    Lists installed plugins with an option to check if the plugins is up to date.

  • Wordpress List Themes

    Lists installed themes with an option to check if the themes are up to date.

  • Wordpress List Users

    Lists configured users.

  • Write Google Sheet

    Write data to a Google Docs Sheet

  • Zendesk Connect

    Connect to a Zendesk instance via API.

  • Zendesk Custom Request

    Execute a custom API call against a given endpoint.

  • Zendesk Oauth Create Token

    Create a new Oauth access token for a given Oauth client.

  • Zendesk Oauth List Clients

    Returns a list of configured zendesk Oauth clients.

  • Zendesk Oauth List Tokens

    Returns a list of Oauth tokens for a given Oauth client

  • Zendesk Oauth Revoke Token

    Revoke an existing Oauth token

  • Zendesk Update Ticket

    Update a ticket by ID and corresponding fields.

  • AD Asset Discovery

    Discover assets within an Active Directory.

  • Asset Search Trigger

    Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.

  • Data Trigger

    A trigger that contains a static user defined list of events.

  • DNS Twister Observe

    Monitor and report on changes to a given list of domains. The domains use DNS Twister fuzzing to help detect phishing domains.

  • Event Threshold

    Trigger that returns matching correlations based on the defined fields.

  • GLPI Due Tasks

    Search for tasks that are due or overdue for a given user.

  • MS Defender Run Hunting Query Trigger

    Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.

  • MSTeams Incoming Message

    Inbound webhook to read messages coming from the configured teams channel.

  • netskopeGetAlerts

  • netskopeGetEvents

  • OpenSearch Saved Search Trigger

    Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.

  • OpenSearch Search Trigger

    Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.

  • Playbook Search

    Trigger for looping through playbooks and their occurrences.

  • Queue Trigger

    Checks a given queue for new events that are ready to be executed.

  • Sigma Rule Trigger

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules

  • Sigma Rules File Trigger

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules found within a given rule folder

  • Sophos SIEM Alerts

    Collect SIEM alerts from Sophos Central.

  • Sophos SIEM Events

    Collect SIEM events from Sophos Central.

  • Storage Trigger

    Load events from an existing storage file in csv, json or txt format.

  • Trigger

    General purpose trigger object that can be used to start a flow based on a timer or cron schedule.

  • Web Hook Trigger

    A trigger that is externally called via an API. GET or POST methods can be used to call the external API https://<a-ops_URL>/integration/system/<access_key>/<token> when using POST you can optionally include a list of events within a json list.

  • Action

    General purpose action object that can be used to set variables and define flow logic.

  • AD Add User to Group

    Add a defined user as a member of a defined group.

  • AD Create Group

    Create a new group within Active Directory.

  • AD Create User

    Create a new user within Active Directory.

  • AD Delete User

    Delete a user account within Active Directory.

  • AD Disable User

    Disable an enabled user within Active Directory.

  • AD Enable User

    Enable a disabled user account.

  • AD Remove User from Group

    Remove a user from an AD group.

  • AD Reset User Password

    Reset the password for a given user within Active Directory.

  • AD Search

    Search for objects within Active Directory based on an LDAP search filter.

  • AD Set Account Expiry

    Defines an account expiry from an epoch provided value.

  • AD Set Object Attribute

    Sets an attribute value on a given object.

  • Asset Delete

    Delete 1 or more assets.

  • Asset Match

    Find assets that match key/value within a specified time-frame.

  • Asset Search

    Search and return assets that match a mongo style search syntax.

  • Asset Update

    Create/Update an asset within the asset management solution. Asset names are unique per entity.

  • AWS Boto3 Change Client

    Changes the current boto3 client.

  • AWS Boto3 Change Resource

    Changes the current boto3 resource.

  • AWS boto3 Client Function

    Access and call a boto3 client function.

  • AWS boto3 Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional service and defined boto3 client and/or resource.

  • AWS boto3 Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS boto3 client and resource.

  • AWS boto3 Resource Function

  • AWS EC2 Attach Volume

    Attaches a volume to an instance.

  • AWS EC2 Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional EC2 service.

  • AWS EC2 Create Custom Instance

    Create a new EC2 instance by providing boto3 create instance parameters. This actions allow you to define more advance instances and access all available options.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance

    Creates a new EC2 AWS instance.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance Image

    Create an instance image and register it as an AMI. This process will snapshot all attached volumes and automatically provision the AMI.

  • AWS EC2 Create Instance Snapshot

    Create a full instance snapshot of an EC2 instance and all attached disks.

  • AWS EC2 Create Snapshot

    Create a snapshot of a volume.

  • AWS EC2 Create Tags

    Create EC2 tags and attach them to a resource by ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Instance Image

    Deletes an instance image with the option of also removing any unused associated snapshots.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Snapshot

    Deletes an AWS EC2 snapshot by snapshot ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Tag

    Delete a tag by key and value.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Tags

    Deletes selective tags from a target resource ID.

  • AWS EC2 Delete Volume

    Deletes an EC2 volume by volume ID.

  • AWS EC2 Detach Volume

    Detached a volume from an instance.

  • AWS EC2 Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS EC2 service.

  • AWS EC2 Get Image

    Retrieve data about a image using a image ID.

  • AWS EC2 Get Instance

    Gets an instance based on the instance ID.

  • AWS EC2 Get Password

    Gets password data for a given EC2 instance.

  • AWS EC2 Get Snapshot

    Retrieve data about a snapshot using a snapshot ID.

  • AWS EC2 List Instances

    Lists found instances which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 List Snapshots

    Lists found snapshots which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 List Volumes

    Lists found volumes which can be filtered based on a defined filter.

  • AWS EC2 Register Image

    Registers a new AMI.

  • AWS EC2 Start Instance

    Start an AWS EC2 instance.

  • AWS EC2 Stop Instance

    Stop an AWS EC2 instance

  • AWS EC2 Terminate Instance

    Terminates an AWS EC2 instance.

  • AWS Lambda Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional Lambda service.

  • AWS Lambda Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS Lambda service.

  • AWS Lambda Invoke

    Invoke a AWS Lambda defined function.

  • AWS S3 Append Content

    Append to the bottom of an existing AWS S3 object.

  • AWS S3 Delete

    Delete AWS S3 object

  • AWS S3 Download Object

    Download an object an AWS S3 bucket.

  • AWS S3 Get Object Content

    Return a contents of an AWS S3 object

  • AWS S3 Get Object Head

    Get AWS S3 object head

  • AWS S3 List

    List objects contained within an AWS S3 bucket.

  • AWS S3 Put Content

    Create a new AWS S3 object from data provided

  • AWS S3 Upload File

    Upload a file to AWS S3.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Connect

    Connect to a AWS regional Secrets Manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Create Secret

    Create a new AWS secret within AWS Secrets Manager.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Create Tags

    Creates tags on the defined secret.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Delete Secret

    Deletes a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Delete Tags

    Deletes the defined list of tags from a secret.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Describe Secret

    Get detailed information about a secret but without retrieving the secret data

  • AWS Secrets Manager Disconnect

    Disconnect from the connected AWS Secrets Manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Generate Password

    Generates a random password using the AWS Secrets Manager password generator function.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret

    Returns a secret's key/values.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Get Secret Value

    Returns a given secret value in encrypted or plaintext format.

  • AWS Secrets Manager List Secrets

    Lists secrets found within the AWS secrets manager service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Rotate Secret

    Request AWS to rotate the given secrets value.

  • AWS Secrets Manager Update Secret

    Updates the key/value secret data within an AWS secret.

  • Break

    Exits out of a loop or subFlow.

  • Choice

    Pause a flow and await user response before continuing.

  • ClickSend SMS

    Send an SMS message to a recipient.

  • ClickSend Voice

    Send an voice message to a recipient.

  • Collect

    Build events into a list based on the size limited provided. Once the list is built the collect object passes the list of events onto the next object.

  • Concurrent

    Run several flow paths concurrently

  • Control-M Connect

    Creates a connection handler for Control-M REST API Service, once connected other actions can be used without the requirement of providing credentials on all actions

  • Control-M Custom Request

    Execute a call to a given API endpoint.

  • Control-M Get Events

    Get a list of recent events.

  • Control-M Get Job

    Get a job and its details.

  • Control-M Get Job Log

    Get the job log.

  • Control-M Get Job Output

    Get job output.

  • Control-M Get Job Statistics

    Get job statistics.

  • Control-M Get Job Status

    Get the status of a job.

  • Control-M Get Jobs By Status

    Get jobs by a job status i.e. 'Ended Not OK'

  • Control-M Job Delete

    Delete a job.

  • Control-M Job Free

    Free a job.

  • Control-M Job Hold

    Hold a job.

  • Control-M Job Kill

    Kill a job.

  • Control-M Job Rerun

    Rerun a job.

  • Control-M Job Run Now

    Run a job now

  • Control-M Job Undelete

    Undelete a job.

  • Control-M Job Wait Info

    Get job wait info.

  • Control-M Logout

    Close an existing open Control-M API Service connection.

  • Control-M Set Job Confirm

    Confirm a job.

  • Control-M Set Job Ok

    Mark a job as OK.

  • Control-M Update Alert

    Update details of an alert.

  • Control-M Update Alert Status

    Update the status of an alert.

  • Create Data Snapshot

    Create a snapshot of the data within a flow for future review.

  • Create Secret

    Create a new A-Ops secret

  • Database Connect MSSQL

    Connect to a MSSQL Database.

  • Database Connect Oracle

    Connect to an Oracle Database.

  • Database Connect PostgreSQL

    Connect to a PostgreSQL database.

  • Database Delete

    Perform a delete query against a connected database.

  • Database Disconnect

    Disconnect from any connected database.

  • Database Insert

    Perform a insert query against a connected database.

  • Database Search

    Perform a search query against a connected database.

  • Database Update

    Perform an update query against a connected database.

  • dataIngest

  • Disable Action

    Disables an existing action by ID.

  • Disable Trigger

    Disables an existing trigger by ID.

  • DNS Twister Fuzz

    Returns a list of fuzzed domains from the domain provided.

  • DNS Twister Google Safe Browsing

    Returns the current Google safe browsing system of the provided domain.

  • DNS Twister IP Resolution

    Resolve an IP address from a domain.

  • DNS Twister Parked Check

    Checks if the domains is a parked domain.

  • DNS Twister Report

    Returns the DNS Twister report of a given domain.

  • DNS Twister WHOIS

    Gets WHOIS information using the DNS Twister API.

  • Echo

    Echos a message into the action output.

  • Email

    Action that provides the ability to send SMTP emails via a SMTP relay.

  • Enable Action

    Enables an existing action by ID.

  • Enable Trigger

    Enables an existing trigger by ID.

  • Event Build Correlations

    Build and updates event correlations.

  • Event Get Correlation

    Get a correlation from UID string.

  • Event Get Correlations

    Get a list of correlations based on the provided criteria.

  • Event Update

    Updates a value on an existing event by index.

  • Event Update Score

    Updates the score on an existing event by index.

  • Execute Trigger

    Executes a trigger immediately

  • Exit

    Exits the currently running trigger.

  • Extract

    Regular expression extraction of a given string.

  • Foreach

    Loop over a data list of json events.

  • FortiGate Command

    Execute and receive output from a given command.

  • FortiGate Connect

    Connect to FortiGate firewall over SSH

  • FortiGate Disconnect

    Disconnects from an active FortiGate connection.

  • FortiGate Script

    Execute a defined FortiGate script on the connected firewall.

  • fortiManager Connect

    Connect to a fortiManager instance. Required before calling any other fortiManager integration objects.

  • fortiManager Get ADOMs

    List ADOMs present on the fortiManager

  • fortiManager Get Object

    Return a given object.

  • fortiManager Get Objects

    Get a list of object by object type

  • fortiManager Set ADOM

    Change which ADOM is currently being used.

  • fortiManager Set Object

    Update a fortiManager object

  • FTP Connect

    Connect to an FTP server

  • FTP Disconnect

    Closes FTP active session

  • FTP Storbinary

    Store File to an FTP server

  • ftpRetrieve

    Retrieve File from an FTP server

  • Fuzzy Match Distance

    Compares two strings for likeness based on a Levenshtein Distance score.

  • Fuzzy Match String

    Compares two strings for likeness

  • Generate Password

    Randomly generate a password string.

  • Geolocate IPv4

    Return geolocation data about a given IPv4 address.

  • Get Action

    Get a given action's details.

  • Get Google Sheet

    Read and return a Google Docs Sheet

  • Get Trigger

    Get a given trigger's details.

  • Global Get

    Retrieve global variable by name.

  • Global Set

    Sets a global variable that can be later retrieved with the globalGet object.

  • GLPI Complete Task

    Mark a task as completed.

  • GLPI Connect

    Connect to a GLPI instance.

  • GLPI Followup

    Add a new followup to an existing ticket.

  • GLPI Search

    Search across the GLPI platform.

  • GLPI Solve

    Solve a ticket.

  • GLPI Task

    Create/Update a task within an existing ticket.

  • GLPI Ticket

    Create a new ticket within the GLPI ticketing system.

  • GLPI Ticket Detail

    Get the details of a ticket by ticket ID.

  • GoDaddy Connect

    Connect to a GoDaddy API service using key and secret. This object can be used to start a connection that is then used by other GoDaddy objects within a flow.

  • GoDaddy Delete DNS Record

    Delete a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • GoDaddy Get DNS Record

    Get a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • GoDaddy Update DNS Record

    Update a DNS record of a specified type from a specified domain you own.

  • Google Chat Send Message

    Sends a message via a Google Chat incoming webhook.

  • Google Sheet Get Range

    Get a list of values from a Google Docs sheet using a range i.e. A:B

  • Google Sheet Insert

    Inserts into an existing Google Docs sheet at a provided position i.e. A1

  • Google Sheet Update Cell

    Updates a cell with a provided value

  • Google Sheets Connect

    Create a Google Docs service connection that can then be used to interact with sheets shared with the service user

  • IBM Cloud Client Function

    Access and call an IBM VPC Python SDK client function.

  • IBM Cloud Connect

    Create an API session with IBM Cloud so that subsistent IBM Cloud actions can be executed.

  • IBM Cloud Create Instance

    Create a new VPC instance within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create Instance From Snapshot

    Create a new VPC instance from an existing snapshot within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC

    Create a new VPC within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC Instance Volume Snapshot

    Create a new snapshot for a given volume.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC IPv4 Subnet

    Create a new IPV4 Subnet within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Create VPC Network Prefix

    Create a network super-net prefix within a VPC.

  • IBM Cloud Delete Instance

    Delete a VPC instance within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC

    Delete a VPC from your IBM Cloud environment.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume

    Delete an instance volume within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Instance Volume Snapshots

    Delete all snapshots for a given volume within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Snapshot

    Delete snapshot for a given snapshot ID within IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Delete VPC Subnet

    Delete a subnet within a VPC in IBM Cloud.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC

    Get a single VPC by ID or when no ID is provided return all VPCs within your IBM Cloud Account.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance

    Get details of an IBM Cloud VPC instance or list all VPC instances when no instance ID is provided.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume

    Get volume details of a given IBM Cloud VPC Instance, or list all volumes for a given instance when Volume ID is blank.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Instance Volume Snapshot

    Get details of a volume snapshot or list all snapshots for a given volume when no snapshot ID is provided.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Network Prefix

    Get IBM Cloud VPC super-net prefix.

  • IBM Cloud Get VPC Subnet

    Get details of a given subnet or when no subnet is provided all subnets will be returned.

  • IBM Cloud List VPC Region Zones

    List IBM Cloud VPC zones for a given region.

  • IBM Cloud List VPC Regions

    List IBM Cloud VPC regions.

  • IBM Cloud VPC Disconnect

    Disconnect from an IBM Cloud session made using IBM cloud Connect.

  • IPStack Lookup IP

    Retrieve information about an IP.

  • IPStack My IP

    Get your external IP address as seen by the IPStack service.

  • jinja2 Format

    Render a template using a defined jinja2 template.

  • Jira Custom Request

    Execute a Jira API call

  • localConvertCSVToDict

  • localDelete

  • localExecute

  • localPing

  • localRead

  • localWrite

  • MongoDB Connect

    Connect to a MongoDB Database.

  • MongoDB Find

    Execute a MongoDB find query.

  • MS Defender Connect

    Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with MS Defender.

  • MS Defender Custom Request

    Execute a custom graph API request.

  • MS Defender for Endpoint Custom Request

    Execute a custom Defender for Endpoint API request.

  • MS Defender Get Alerts

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves alerts.

  • MS Defender Get Incidents

    Execute a graph API request that retreives incidents.

  • MS Defender Get New Alerts

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves new alerts.

  • MS Defender Get New Incidents

    Execute a graph API request that retrieves new incidents.

  • MS Defender Run Hunting Query

    Perform Advanced Threat Hunting in MS Defender with KQL Queries.

  • MSTeams Post Message

    Post a message to a configured teams channel.

  • netskopeActionGetAlerts

  • netskopeActionGetEvents

  • Occurrence

    Action responsible for raising, updating and clearing alarm state based on a given match string UID.

  • Occurrence Update

    Provides the ability to update variables held within the alarm objects data field.

  • OneNote Add Bulk Content

    Inserts bulk content onto a OneNote page

  • OneNote Add Content Base64 Image

    Inserts a base64 image onto the target page

  • OneNote Add Content Image

    Inserts a image from URL src onto the target page

  • OneNote Add Content Text

    Insert text content onto the target page.

  • OneNote Add Content Website Render

    Inserts a rendered version of a given website into the target page.

  • OneNote Add Notebook Section

    Creates a new section within the target notebook.

  • OneNote Add Section HTML Page

    Create a new page with custom HTML within the target section.

  • OneNote Add Section Page

    Creates a basic OneNote page within a target section.

  • OneNote Connect

    Make an API connection using Microsoft Graph API that can be used to interact with OneNote hosted documents.

  • OneNote Custom Request

    Execute a custom graph API request.

  • OneNote Delete Notebook Section

    Deletes a target section within a OneNote document.

  • OneNote Delete Page

    Deletes a page within a OneNote document.

  • OneNote Get Page Content

    Retrieve the current OneNote page in HTML format.

  • OneNote List Group Notebooks

    Lists accessible notebooks within a group that the target user has access to.

  • OneNote List My Notebooks

    Lists the target users notebooks stored within their personal OneDrive.

  • OneNote List Notebook Sections

    Lists all sections within a given notebook.

  • OneNote List Section Pages

    Lists pages within a target section of a OneNote document.

  • OneNote List Site Notebooks

    Lists accessible notebooks within a sharepoint site that the target user has access to.

  • OpenSearch Custom Request

    Execute a custom OpenSearch request.

  • OpenSearch Saved Search

    Search an Opensearch index using a Opensearch Dashboards saved search query.

  • OpenSearch Search

    Search an Opensearch index using a defined search query.

  • Oracle Cloud Connect

    Connect to Oracle Cloud service.

  • Oracle Cloud Function

    Calls an API function for the connected Oracle Cloud Service

  • OTX Get Pulse

    Get a pulse by pulse ID.

  • OTX Lookup CVE

    Retrieve CVE information from a given CVE.

  • OTX Lookup Domain

    Retrieve domain information from a given domain.

  • OTX Lookup Hash

    Retrieve hash information from a given hash.

  • OTX Lookup Hostname

    Retrieve hostname information from a given hostname.

  • OTX Lookup IPv4

    Retrieve IPv4 information from a given IPv4 address.

  • OTX Lookup IPv6

    Retrieve IPv6 information from a given IPv6 address.

  • OTX Lookup URL

    Retrieve URL information from a given URL.

  • playbook Add

    Add an occurrence into a playbook.

  • playbook Bulk Add

    Add multiple occurrences into a playbook.

  • Playbook End

    Define the end of a playbook within a flow.

  • Playbook Get

    Get a playbook occurrence item.

  • Playbook Search Action

    Search for occurrences within a playbook.

  • Playbook Start

    Used to start a playbook for a provided playbook occurrence UID string.

  • playbook Start Update

    Update a defined playbook start action by action ID.

  • Playbook Update Data

    Update a playbooks occurrence.

  • Proofpoint TR Add Incident Comment

    Add comment to a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Close Incident

    Close a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Get Incident

    Get Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR Get Incident Alerts

    Get alerts associated to a Add a Proofpoint Threat Response incident

  • Proofpoint TR List Incidents

    List Proofpoint Threat Response incidents

  • Proofpoint TR List New Incidents

    List Proofpoint New Threat Response incidents

  • Queue Add Event

    Adds a new event to a queue.

  • Queue Event Clear

    Manually remove an event from the queue.

  • Raise

    Raise an exception.

  • Raise Event

    Raise a new event based on the fields provided.

  • Remote Command

    Execute a remote command on an already connected remote system.

  • Remote Connect Aruba

    Initialize a connection to a remote Aruba system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect Cisco

    Initialize a connection to a remote Cisco system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect FortiGate

    Initialize a connection to a remote FortiGate system using SSH.

  • Remote Connect Linux

    Initialize a connection to a remote linux system using SSH and SCP.

  • Remote Connect Windows

    Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using WINRM and SMB.

  • Remote Connect Windows PSExec

    Initialize a connection to a remote windows system using PSExec SMB.

  • Remote Disconnect

    Disconnect from a remote connection.

  • Remote Download

    Download a file from a remote connection and store it within storage.

  • Remote Multi-Command

    Execute multiple commands on an already connected remote system.

  • Remote Powershell Script

    Executes a powershell script on a remote windows host.

  • Remote Reboot

    Execute a controlled reboot of an already connected remote windows or linux system.

  • Remote Upload

    Upload a file from storage to a remote connection.

  • Reset Trigger

    Resets a trigger based on the trigger ID defined within the event data. data[event][triggerID] is the key used when attempting to reset a trigger.

  • Script Block

    Executes defined python code.

  • Secure Secret

    Generate a secure string that can later be used with the getSecret() function to return the plaintext value.

  • ServiceNow Custom Request

    Execute a Jira API call

  • Set Action

    Updates a given field on an existing action object with the defined value.

  • Set Trigger

    Updates a given field on an existing trigger object with the defined value.

  • Sigma Rule

    Generate SIEM queries from Sigma rules

  • Sleep

    Sleep for a defined number of seconds before moving onto the next action within a flow.

  • SNMP

  • Snow Connect

    Connect to the SNOW Api

  • Snow Get Item

  • Snow Get Items

  • Sophos Central Connect

    Create a connection handler for Sophos Central that can be used with other Sophos Central actions in a flow.

  • Sophos Central Custom Request

    Send an API request to Sophos Central API endpoint that is not covered by other action objects.

  • Sophos Central Get Alerts

    Returns alerts after the defined start time.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoint

    Gets data about a single endpoint as defined by the endpoint ID.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoint Software Links

    Get all the endpoint installer links for a tenant.

  • Sophos Central Get Endpoints

    Return a list of Sophos Central endpoints, optionally a filter can be provided to filter the list of returned endpoints.

  • Sophos Central List Tenants

    Returns a list of tenants for a given organization when Sophos Central is deployed in multi-tenant mode

  • Sophos Central Set Tenant

    Change the current Sophos Central connection tenancy for use when using multi-tenant Sophos deployment.

  • Storage Download

    Download and return the file path for a given storage file.

  • Storage Upload

    Upload a file to storage.

  • Sub Flow

    Jump to another flow entry point using a defined trigger ID. SubFlow allows you to call flows as functions passing in and returning data so that flows can be easily reused.

  • Sub Flow Return

    Exit a subFlow and return true/false as a result via the subFlowResult variable.

  • Timed

    Time connected actions and output when completed the total time taken.

  • Try Except

    Try a portion of flow and handel error as an exception if it occurs.

  • UnShorten

    Unshortens a provided short URL.

  • Update Secret

    Update the value of a given A-Ops secret

  • Vectra Custom Request

    Execute a Vectra API call

  • ViewOnce Get

    Get the ViewOnce message using the ViewOnce generated details.

  • ViewOnce Set

    Create a new message to shared securely. This action will return the URL that can then be used to access the value.

  • Web Request

    Call and external web service over HTTP/S and get the response.

  • While

    Loop until a condition is True

  • While Continue

    Jumps back to the while object, evaluates logic and then repeats the loop if the condition is still not met.

  • Wordpress Connect

    Connect to a wordpress API using username and application password.

  • Wordpress Custom Request

    Call any supported wordpress API endpoint and return the results to the A-Ops flow.

  • Wordpress Get Health

    Get a summary of the Wordpress health page.

  • Wordpress Get Version

    Get the current Wordpress version with an option to check if this is the latest version.

  • Wordpress List Plugins

    Lists installed plugins with an option to check if the plugins is up to date.

  • Wordpress List Themes

    Lists installed themes with an option to check if the themes are up to date.

  • Wordpress List Users

    Lists configured users.

  • Write Google Sheet

    Write data to a Google Docs Sheet

  • Zendesk Connect

    Connect to a Zendesk instance via API.

  • Zendesk Custom Request

    Execute a custom API call against a given endpoint.

  • Zendesk Oauth Create Token

    Create a new Oauth access token for a given Oauth client.

  • Zendesk Oauth List Clients

    Returns a list of configured zendesk Oauth clients.

  • Zendesk Oauth List Tokens

    Returns a list of Oauth tokens for a given Oauth client

  • Zendesk Oauth Revoke Token

    Revoke an existing Oauth token

  • Zendesk Update Ticket

    Update a ticket by ID and corresponding fields.

  • Text